Archive for the general Category

fat (wo)man in a little coat

Posted in general, grumble, running on January 14, 2009 by resistinginertia

Yeah, the title’s from Tommy Boy.  Shameless ripoff, right?  Well, it’s exactly how I felt at the running store last weekend.


A little history: for those of you who don’t know, my friend Laura convinced me to run the 500 Festival Mini Marathon this year.  After a lot of cajoling, convincing, and positive reinforcement, I agreed.  And as January started to coast by in ice-covered glory, I decided it was time to get some gear.

My first (ever!) trip to the running store started out great.  The very helpful folks put me on a treadmill to check my stride (turns out I’m a pretty straightforward runner — who knew?), got me hooked up with some great shoes, and recommended some accessories.  But then, when I decided to splurge on a running outfit, I realized that I was at least six sizes larger than the biggest women’s gear they stocked.

Fat (wo)man in a little coat…

Now, I understand that you want to cater to your core audience.  I’m very certain that the vast majority of runners that frequent this store are much, much smaller than I am.  I’m a big girl, and I know this — hence the motivation to, you know, RUN.  Vicious circle, isn’t it?

Not knowing where to turn, I asked my aforementioned friend what she would recommend.  And lo and behold, I received an incredible amount of responses from runners who had the same problems.  I was able to generate a shopping list online from places that cater to larger athletes.  And you know what?  I bet those places make a KILLING.  Note to neighborhood running store: YOU ARE MISSING OUT.

I’m waiting on my new gear to arrive and getting ready to start a training program on Jan 20th.  I have no idea what to expect, but at least I’ll be wearing a coat that fits!

it slices! it dices! it juliennes!

Posted in food, general on January 1, 2009 by resistinginertia

Those of you who know me well know that I cannot cook.  As in burning water, out-of-a-box, drive-through-window CANNOT MAKE FOOD.

One of my resolutions this year is to start using the kitchen for more than a place to store my beer and Eggo waffles.  In that vein, I’ve started accumulating things that one might need in order to make meals, such as pots, pans, spatulas and even measuring cups.  The crowning achievement, however, was over Christmas when I received… wait for it… A Cuisinart food processor and mandolin slicer.

And now I’m the Barefoot Freaking Contessa.

In the past few days, I’ve made (not from a box or a can, but actually PIECED TOGETHER FROM SCRATCH): broccoli/cauliflower soup, aloo gobi, poppy cheddar seed crackers, roasted red pepper and feta spread, falafel, tzatziki, vegan chocolate cupcakes and lasagna.   I don’t know what kind of light bulb finally went off in my head, but there’s just this feeling of accomplishment you get from pulling a dish out of the oven that originated in your brain, not a plastic container.

Someone should have told me about this before I spent the better part of my twenties living on Spaghettios and Fudgesicles.

grinchy mcgrincherson

Posted in general, grumble on December 20, 2008 by resistinginertia

Bah, humbug.

I have NOT gotten into the Giftmas spirit this year.  In fact, today was the first day that I bought anything for anyone in my family (online, no less), and honestly?  I’m nearing the point where I may do what I’ve never done before… and just get gift cards.  I strained my back at practice, so getting in my car and braving the traffic isn’t happening any time soon.  I’m giving the holidays a big fat ‘meh’ this season.

I don’t know what’s different this year.  All I know is I’m tired of it already.

the lowdown

Posted in beer, derby love, general on December 6, 2008 by resistinginertia

so what have I been up to for the past, oh, fourteen months or so?  Nothing that would excuse my lack of blogging, unfortunately.

*I’ve gotten back into playing roller derby – this time, with the Circle City Socialites.  It’s so great to get to skate again – I know I’m not the fastest or strongest skater, but I know there’s a place for me.   It’s awesome.

*Since I’ve been skating so much, my lovely friend Laura convinced me to attempt to run the 09 Mini Marathon.  I’ve been training for that, slowly but surely.  Emphasis on slowly.

*I’m still drinking and critiquing with the fine folks at Hoosier Beer Geek, but my schedule doesn’t really let me join them as much as I did last year.  You can check out their upcoming events here.

So, anyway, sorry for disappearing.  I’ll try to do better.

one, two, three, four

Posted in beer, food, general, movies on August 2, 2007 by resistinginertia

Whee, she returns! 

What have I been doing, you ask?  Well, the big fat majority of my waking time has been consumed with the following: 

1)      Work.  Work, work, work.  And more work. 

2)      Planning the vacation to here, here and here.

3)      Drinking beer and planning gatherings with these fine folks.

4)      Geocaching toward the Epic 92 Challenge (this will require another blog post, I’m sure.)

5)      Wasting copious amounts of time on these websites.

6)      Thinking of pithy and fun things with which to update my blog, but chickening out.

7)      Being indecisive over which new restaurants to try.

8)      Apartment hunting in these locations.

9)      Becoming a Netflix junkie.

10)   Getting back into the role of consummate rock snob. 

…what have y’all been doing, I wonder?

grumble, grumble

Posted in current events, general, Politics on July 6, 2007 by resistinginertia

It’s been one of those mornings where I not only woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I woke up half an hour late with a backache to boot.  Grumble, grumble.

I went in to my usual Starbucks this morning, dodging a first class moron who nearly took off my door and desperately needs parking training, only to be greeted by a line 15 deep and a barista who didn’t know how to do iced coffee.  Grumble, grumble. 

The Fort Wayne Mad Ants, the newest NBA –D team, are going to be affiliated with none other than the Detroit Freaking Pistons.  Grumble, grumble. 

The only potential Presidential candidate that gets me excited in any way, shape or form says he’s “fallen out of love with politics”.  Grumble, grumble. 

I just got saddled with a massive project that will probably take me all day and then some.  So much for leaving early.  Grumble, grumble.

clean up in aisle nine

Posted in current events, general, local linkage on April 25, 2007 by resistinginertia

In the process of cleaning house ‘round these parts, I’ve updated my blogroll and made some additions.  Here’s a roundup of the new linkage:

My fellow Beer Geeks have been busy!  Chris started up a new blog called The Non-Profit Dad, Jim has come back from blogging hiatus with He Writes About Words, and Jason comes at the blogosphere with Circle and Squares.   (these, of course, in addition to Mike’s Ridehorsey and Renee’s Feed Me Drink Me.  I wonder if we’ll have time to update in between pints…

I also added a couple of sports-related blogs:  first up is Stampede Blue, the SB Nation blog that covers the Indianapolis Colts.  These guys know EVERYTHING about the Horseshoe, and have the team covered down to the tiniest detail.  Yeah, I know, you wouldn’t have guessed I’m a football fan, right?  (Just don’t tell the Indie Rock police). 

I’ve also added Charlie Weis Ate My Baby, a local sports collective blog full of the best kinds of snark (and way too much Yankees coverage for my taste, but I’ll let it slide!)

Speaking of  CWAMB, I have added frequent contributor Jason’s Xtra-Rant to the blogroll – not updated as frequently as I’d like (hint, hint!) but chock-full of miscellaneous techie, political and humorous stuff sure to keep you occupied for quite awhile. 

I’ve also updated my link to the old Shakespeare’s Sister, now Shakesville.  Fellow Hoosier Melissa’s group blog is an absolute must-read if you’re fed up with the current state of political affairs.   Plus, her Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime postings will have you humming old jingles and cursing the advent of YouTube.

Finally, I’ve added some links in a new “noteworthy” section of the blogroll.  These don’t fit into any real category, just places I visit to get my daily fill of laughter, outrage, hope and help. 

If any of you have a link to a blog or site that you think I’d be interested in, send it my way!  And if you’re a Hoosier blogger and I don’t currently link to you, I’d be glad to do so.  Just let me know.

Discovery what?

Posted in culture, general, local linkage on April 18, 2007 by resistinginertia

File under: Reasons why I don’t live anywhere NEAR my hometown…

According to Shakesville (by way of Bilerico), Ligonier is going to be home to Indiana’s premier creationist science museum, Discovery Express. Yes, folks, that’s right– the sleepy little villa of racial disharmony up in Noble County that’s home to the annual Marshmallow Festival (fitting, eh?) is now cementing its reputation as a repository for idiocy under the guise of science. And to think, I used to live there!

My heart’s all aflutter with anticipation. Perhaps they’ll have a big diorama showing cavemen and dinosaurs living in harmony! I can’t wait to read about how plants are proof that there is a God. Will they give a discount for anyone arriving with an In God We Trust license plate? Maybe I can hold my secular humanist meetings in their spacious third floor conference room!

But seriously… the sheer enormity of the volume of ridiculousness is frightening. Are public school children going to be forced to take field trips to this place? Proselytizing to a captive audience, how lovely! It wouldn’t surprise me, seeing as how there are public school teachers involved in running this thing. Brian Shidler is the West Noble HS Band director and Kellie Shidler works with the color guard.

The other thing that disturbs me greatly is the apparent amount of community involvement and support for this place. It would be one thing if a couple of loonies were putting this out in the woods somewhere, but it’s listed on the front page of the Visitors Bureau website. It’s a good thing I no longer bank with (or work for) Lake City Bank. I’d be pulling my accounts if they’re financially supporting this sham, which it seems that they are.

Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s a great thing to teach science to kids, and wholeheartedly support innovative teaching methods and nature education. But to do it under a fraudulent umbrella of creationism is shameful, and it makes me embarrassed to admit that I’m from that neck of the woods. Discovery, indeed.

the triumphant return!

Posted in general on March 9, 2007 by resistinginertia

Wow, it’s been awhile, eh?  My employer blocked the site from work, plus I’ve been insanely busy with year-end job duties (hooray for working in the tax field), not to mention spending quality time with the fella… so posting has been light.  Lighter than light, try invisible.  No longer!  I’ve been unblocked! 

Now that I can get back on from work, expect posting to pick up.  Did you miss me? 

*crickets chirping*

a piecemeal post

Posted in general on February 2, 2007 by resistinginertia

Too little time, too much I want to talk about.  Here’s a sampling:

*RIP, Molly Ivins. Miss Molly, you were one of my favorites, and I’m sad I never got a chance to see you in person.  This is a moving tribute written by Molly’s editor. 

*The Truth Behind Online Dating: This is a fascinating article about the “scientific” matchmaking process touted by eHarmony,, etc—sure to give Neil Clark Warren a well-deserved migraine.  Save your money and use OKCupid… not that I know anything about that.  Heh. 

*Emily and Christopher.  While browsing for reviews on a couple of local restaurants, I stumbled upon this site and was pretty impressed.  Non-pretentious, humorous and honest.  It’s good to know I’m not the only one that thinks El Sol de Tala sucks. Seriously, ew. 

*K-Fed goes South of the Border. I suppose once your fifteen minutes of fame are up, you need to find steady work. This works as well as anything, right? 

*Douche Cards.  I wish I would have had these when the oh-so-lovely Carmel housewife clipped my bumper in the parking lot the other night.  Maybe I should buy two packs, eh?    

*White Castle for Valentine’s Day.  I can’t think of anything more romantic!  

*Hoosier Valentine? The Naptown Roller Girls are in action tomorrow night against the Fort Wayne Derby Girls!  Come early to get a good seat and to beat the beer line.  Consider it a rehearsal for Super Bowl Sunday – all those people up in the Fort are Bears fans anyway, aren’t they?  (kidding!)