Archive for the movies Category

one, two, three, four

Posted in beer, food, general, movies on August 2, 2007 by resistinginertia

Whee, she returns! 

What have I been doing, you ask?  Well, the big fat majority of my waking time has been consumed with the following: 

1)      Work.  Work, work, work.  And more work. 

2)      Planning the vacation to here, here and here.

3)      Drinking beer and planning gatherings with these fine folks.

4)      Geocaching toward the Epic 92 Challenge (this will require another blog post, I’m sure.)

5)      Wasting copious amounts of time on these websites.

6)      Thinking of pithy and fun things with which to update my blog, but chickening out.

7)      Being indecisive over which new restaurants to try.

8)      Apartment hunting in these locations.

9)      Becoming a Netflix junkie.

10)   Getting back into the role of consummate rock snob. 

…what have y’all been doing, I wonder?